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About of Ozaksan Engineering

At the beginning of the 2013 April, Özaksan Engineering has made a corporation with Aksan Engineering founded in June 2011. Özaksan Engineering Steel Construction Industry and Trade Inc. has been established to operate in the area of highway, construction, HES tunnel construction, tunnel steel molds production and installation, steel mill equipments, aqueous chimney, production of water-cooled copper and steel panels. All kinds of machinery, steel constructions and related projects are also in firm's goals.
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Steel Usage Purposes and Advantages
- Either production or installation of items which is used in steel construction are not affected by air conditions.
- Depending upon the power of work, man is capable of working almost all points of the installation quite conveniently.
- Above all other alternative materials, the steel has the priority on its gravity, strength, durability, elasticity. Thus it is the most proper construction material for all types of lands and earthquake regions.
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